independent evaluator + social researcher

About Me

I am an accredited researcher and evaluator based in Manchester.I specialise in social research, data analysis, and impact evaluations. I work with charities, local authorities, and research organisations across the UK, delivering independent evaluations and policy-focused research.I apply mixed-method research approaches across the following sectors: arts, culture and heritage, community development, public health and education and social enterprise. I offer:✔ Impact and process evaluation
✔Participatory action research
✔ Theory of Change and Logic Models
✔ Qualitative and quantitative research
✔ Data cleaning and visualisation
✔ Report writing and copyediting


• Full accredited researcher (DEA)
• Member of Social Research Association (SRA)
• Associate Fellow (AFHEA)
• MRes Global Health: translational quantitative skills (2019)
• MSc International Public Health (2017)
• Biochemistry and Genetics BSc Hons (2016)